Magazine Collage

The final project for my semester of Principles and Design was to make a collage from a selfie or a picture that you have of yourself and replicate it on a sheet of paper using magazine clippings. This project took a little bit of everything from the semester and let us show our abilities to create […]

Watercolor Bouquet

  In Principles of Design this unit we worked with hands, flowers, and watercolor. We spent a few days going over hands and how to draw them which was really hard but fun when the hands came out good. Then we spent some time drawing flowers and making sure they appeared 3-D. I was really […]

City Scape Post

In our first unit of Principles of Design, we worked with perspective. We started off by using a one-point perspective to draw a road with buildings and trees. Once we were comfortable with that we moved on to a two-point perspective, practicing the same thing so that we could accustom our brains to perspective before […]

My Coffee Shop

During my Sophomore year here at Lincoln Lutheran, I am taking Programming 1 with Mr. Sommerer. You do not have to take this class but I wanted to challenge myself and grow my own personal knowledge of computer languages so that I have a base in the future with any jobs that I do. At […]