City Scape Post

In our first unit of Principles of Design, we worked with perspective. We started off by using a one-point perspective to draw a road with buildings and trees. Once we were comfortable with that we moved on to a two-point perspective, practicing the same thing so that we could accustom our brains to perspective before starting on the final project. The final project of that unit was to create a large cityscape from a two-point perspective. We had to have eight buildings with six being detailed and 4 being extremely detailed while incorporating value and form into the piece. The finished project is on the right. I wanted to create a cityscape that was “run down” and deserted. Instead of having roads, I had waterways similar to Venice in Italy. This project took a lot of time to make sure that everything was in the proper perspective and then adding value to it but the end result was worth it. You don’t see much two-point perspective in art so I wanted to share this to show how cool the illusion is.


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